Thursday, September 3, 2009

Glorified diva

I've always been one to promote and support local designers, but I am getting slapped in the face with the harsh reality that certain local designers don't feel the same way about up and coming media.

It's quite ironic though, when they started out with only their sewing machine as their team, they expected the media to publish and promote their lines - which wasn't all that long ago! But now that more than one person knows who they are, they have moved to "instant diva status". Even their telephonists are walking around on cloud nine, because they have elevated themselves to a god-like status!

Despite being a digital magazine (and downright fabulous too) our readers also want to be trendy, they want to be stylish and they want to wear designer, and with so much talent in this country, we should be wearing local designers with the same pride that we wear, um Prada!

Sounds easy huh - After a phone call to one very arrogant, very snooty designer assistant AKA glorified diva, of whom I will rather not mention, I was basically told that they are featured in enough magazines and don't need more exposure. So I wonder, why bother working or for that matter answering your phone if you are just that cool? You might as well take up permanent residence on the beach, switch off your cellphone and let your clothes sell themselves.

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