There really is nothing quite like spending a few blissful days in the beautiful African bush. It also helps to be completely disconnected from modern technology - I'm talking no calls, no blackberry, no email, no internet and not even electricity (in our chalet at least). As scary as it sounds, spending a few days far away from the stressful buildup of modern living is an absolute pleasure, and one that needs to be scheduled into my calendar more often.

Often, we're so caught up in making things happen that we forget to enjoy the little pleasures in life - apart from shoe splurging that is. While shoes do offer that little spark of enthusiasm, nothing helps you to clear you mind and refocus your energy quite like sitting on an open air Landrover, driving through the bush and spotting nature's most amazing creatures.
And with that I've decided it's time to get back into my blog. Although my
big blog StyleScoop is doing phenomenally well, I still need a little place to call my own - somewhere to share some random ramblings.
So, hopefully I'll be making a point to blog here more often. Whether it's sharing my favourite beauty products, fabulous fashions or my attempts at photography and decorating stay tuned...